Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the West Regional Enterprise Zone
We receive a range of questions pertaining to the Enterprise Zone and how to best meet your project’s needs. Please read through some of those questions below, or visit the Contact Page to reach out directly.

What area does the Zone cover?
The WREZ covers the Villages of Bellwood, Broadview, Maywood,Melrose Park and a select area of Unincorporated Cook County.
What is the WREZ fee based On?
The zone fee is based 0.5% of your total building materials cost. To view our application, please visit the Application Page.
How much will I save through the Enterprise Zone?
The saving depends on the overall budget of your project. For example, if your project has $250,000 in building materials, your savings would be $25,000 (with 10% sales tax). Sales tax can range from 7.75% to 10% depending on where the materials are purchased.
Do I have to purchase the materials within the West Regional Enterprise Zone?
No, materials can be purchased anywhere in Illinois, as long as your project is certified by the WREZ.
Do I qualify for the State Utility Tax Incentive?

Start Enjoying the Benefits Today.
Apply today in order to maximize your benefits. There are two ways to apply; download the application and return by mail or fill out the application and process the fee online today.